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Bearing Witness

3:30 pm
4:30 pm
Dance Base, Studio 1

Bearing Witness asks the question: how do poets and artists continue to create art while witnessing devastation?

This event brings together artists who have fostered community spaces in Scotland and beyond, and whose activism is deeply intertwined with their creative practices. With performances by Marjorie Lotfi and Nat Raha, with a final speaker to be confirmed, this event will hold a reflective and safe space for those impacted by intersections of violence and who want to see radical change. These performances will be followed by a discussion that emphasises anti-facism, anti-colonialism, and global solidarity, navigating what it means to be a creator and activist in the present moment.

Chaired and curated by Alycia Pirmohamed.

£12/£10£0 festival pass
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