Air An Aon Ràmh
Le bàrd is seinneadair cliùiteach Marcas Mac an Tuairneir na fhear-an-taighe, bidh sinn a’ taisbeanadh taghadh den cheòl is bàrdachd as fheàrr sa Ghàidhlig, ùr nodha agus san t-seann nòs. Cluinnidh tu bàrdachd le Babs NicGriogair agus ceòl bhon t-seinneadair-òranaiche Raonaid Walker, aig a bheil clàr ùr (a’ chiad chlàr aice ann an deich bliadhna) a tha a’ togail air gaol, mùirn is na bannan daonna a tha gar ceangladh ri chèile.
Bidh sinn cuideachd a’ taisbeanadh obair a dh’èirich à co-obrachadh eadar am bàrd Robbie Anndra MacLeòid agus am fuaim-cheàrd ioma-thàlantach Kapil Seshasayee, a rinn na h-òrain seo an toiseach airson Sradagan na Sràide – co-bhanntachd eadar Ceòl is Craic agus Comhairle nan Leabhraichean a tha a’ toirt cothrom agus àrd-ùrlar do luchd-ciùil is sgrìobhadairean Gàidhlig is Albannach gus obair ùr a chruthachadh còmhla.
Ged a tha Gàidhlig agad no nach eil, chan eil thu airson an oidhche seo a chall.
Enjoy some of the best contemporary and traditional Gaelic poetry and music in a special event hosted by award-winning poet and singer, Marcas Mac an Tuairneir. This showcase features poetry from Babs Nicgriogair and music from singer-songwriter Rachel Walker, whose recently released album (her first in ten years) evokes love, affection and the human bonds that bind us.
We’ll also present work from a collaboration between poet Robbie Anndra MacLeòid and polymath and soundsmith Kapil Seshasayee, which was originally developed for Sradagan na Sràide – a parthership between Ceòl is Craic and Comhairle nan Leabhraichean (Gaelic Books Council) that provides a platform for the best musical and literary talents in Scottish/Gaelic arts to create new work together.
For Gaelic speakers and non-Gaelic speakers alike, this is a night not to be missed.
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