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Ruxy Cantir

Ruxy Cantir is an accomplished physical theatre deviser and clown, with an interest in making original work about and with environmental sensibilities. “Two in a Barrel” - a clown-based play she co-devised, performed and toured across Scotland and beyond alongside Sarah Rose Graber - deals with the consequences of our (in)actions portrayed vividly with two best friends stuck in a barrel on top of a rubbish heap. Moldova-born, US-trained, Glasgow-based, Ruxy holds an MFA in Ensemble Based Physical Theatre from Dell’Arte International in California. She devises and performs original work for all ages using Clown, Mask, physical and visual theatre techniques, and object manipulation. Most recently, Ruxy toured her critically-acclaimed one woman show “Pickled Republic” across Scotland and was nominated for a CATS award for “Unicorn Christmas Party” - a family-friendly show created and performed alongside Sarah Rose Graber. "In Deep" is her first collaboration with poetry and she’s excited to combine her physical clown practice with poetic text.

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