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Birds / Humans / Machines / Dolphins

1:00 pm
2:00 pm
Dance Base, Studio 1

A performance which fuses poetry, music, and the acoustic recordings of dolphins and birds, Birds / Humans / Machines / Dolphins gives voice to the non-human in surprising and original ways.

Born from a residency with the University of Aberdeen’s School of Biological Sciences, poet Genevieve Carver engages with the birds on an uninhabited Orcadian island and passive acoustic monitoring work studying dolphin and porpoise around the Moray Firth.

In collaboration with composer Lucie Treacher, Genevieve will perform works from her pamphlet, Birds / Humans / Machines / Dolphins, as well as the EP, Hydrophonica, which weaves underwater hydrophone recordings with spoken word, human whistling, and live music.

Chaired through the ConVERSE Emerging Chairs Programme with Edinburgh University.

Sponsored by Book Week Scotland.

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